Kudos to Ken Burns! Every prominent person needs to use their platform (like a commencement address) to heap scorn on Trump and make it clear that he and everything he stands for - narcissism, mendacity, misogyny, xenophobia, violence, hatred and bigotry - are completely unacceptable.

"There comes a time when I and you can no longer remain neutral, silent — we must speak up and speak out," said Burns, who is known for historical documentaries. "For 216 years, our elections — though bitterly contested — have featured the philosophies and characters of candidates who were clearly qualified."

"That is not the case this year," he said, to a round of applause. 

[Read the full speech]

During his takedown, Burns made several stinging points without even using the candidate's name.

"He is an insult to our history," Burns said. A moment later, he implored: "Do not be deceived by his momentary good behavior. It is only a spoiled, misbehaving child hoping somehow to still have dessert."

Burns described the candidate as one who "is against lots of things but doesn't seem to be for anything," offers "bombastic and contradictory promises," is a "terrifying Orwellian statesman," "insults veteransthreatens a free pressmocks the handicappeddenigrates womenimmigrants and Muslims."

Burns reminded the audience that Trump avoided several chances to disavow David Duke, an advocate for white supremacy and former Ku Klux Klan leader.

Trump is "a person who easily lies," he continued; "who creates an environment where the truth doesn't seem to matter, who has never demonstrated any interest in anyone or anything but himself and his own enrichment." He is "an infantile, bullying man, who depending on his mood is willing to discard old and established alliances, treaties and long-standing relationships," Burns said. His candidacy "is a political Ponzi scheme."

"Asking this man to assume the highest office in the land would be like asking a newly minted car driver to fly a 747," he declared.

Ken Burns Offers Blistering Takedown Of Donald Trump In Stanford Commencement Speech

"Asking this man to assume the highest office in the land would be like asking a newly minted car driver to fly a 747."

06/12/2016 04:14 pm ET | Updated 5 days ago


·  http://www.huffingtonpost.com/author/tyler-kingkadeSenior Editor/Reporter, The Huffington Post
