It's a total disgrace that the NAACP, which is supposed to be fighting for black families, is instead betraying them. Gee, I wonder if it has anything to do with the unions giving them a lot of money??? It reminds me of the saying, "Whose bread I eat, his song I sing."


Here are two excellent editorials in today's NYT and yesterday's WaPo. Here's the NYT, A Misguided Attack on Charter Schools:


... sound research has shown that, when properly managed and overseen, well-run charter schools give families a desperately needed alternative to inadequate traditional schools in poor urban neighborhoods.


... For many parents and students, a charter school is the only route to a superior education. In advocating a blanket moratorium on charters, the N.A.A.C.P. would fail to acknowledge what's happening to children who need and deserve a way out of the broken schools to which they have been relegated.

And here's a powerful and spot-on Washington Post editorial:

Cheering the call for a moratorium — and a similar resolution approved by the Movement for Black Lives — are the teachers unions that have waged a fierce battle against charters — and that have provided financial support for NAACP activities. It will be interesting to see if the NAACP acts in those interests or in the interests of the nearly 700,000 black families who send their children to public charter schools, and the tens of thousands more who are on waiting lists.

A Misguided Attack on Charter Schools